Hope Center Houston is a faith-based agency offering a safe place and caring community for our homeless brothers and sisters, restoring their dignity, providing their basic needs, and offering encouragement and help to transition out of homelessness.

The mission of Angela House is to successfully transition women into society after incarceration.

The Inter-Faith Group (IFG) is an alliance of independently operated non-profits. As industry allies, the IFG non-profits share a collective mission to create quality, attainable housing that empowers people worldwide. For those seeking non-profit help in real estate development, housing management, or resident services, the IFG alliance provides the leadership to assist and improve the affordable living and lives of seniors, veterans, artists, families, and children.

Our goal is to maximize the independence of each client and assist in preventing premature or inappropriate admission to long-term care facilities by providing an engaging atmosphere focusing on preventative health care maintenance.

We are driven to provide patients and families with easier access to personalized, high-quality care. AccentCare’s proven operational excellence, paired with compassionate care teams, allows us to deliver consistent, high-quality outcomes for our patients and physician referral partners.

The Children’s Assessment Center (The CAC) provides a safe haven to sexually abused children and their families – a place where they can receive the kind of care and treatment they so richly deserve.

We who recognize God’s providence and fidelity to His people are dedicated to living out His covenant among ourselves and those children we serve, with absolute respect and unconditional love. That commitment calls us to serve suffering children of the street, and to protect and safeguard all children. Just as Christ in His humanity is the visible sign of God’s presence among His people, so our efforts together in the covenant community are a visible sign that effects the presence of God, working through the Holy Spirit among ourselves and our kids.

Our mission is simple: to provide services to promote the health, hygiene, and dignity of all persons experiencing homelessness and poverty in Southeast Houston. Our goal is to restore dignity to those who have been marginalized, forgotten or ignored by society.

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

The Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) is an interfaith organization that collaborates to provide temporary assistance in the form of food, clothing and other basic needs, with an emphasis on serving the working poor.

The mission of FamilyTime is to provide services and programs to encourage the mental health and wellness of the community as well as promote safety and support for the prevention of domestic and sexual violence.

Mission Statement: Harbor Hospice is committed to providing comprehensive, competent, quality care optimizing comfort and dignity consistent with the patient and family needs and goals

The mission of Harmony House, Inc. is to provide quality permanent and transitional housing, and primary health care to homeless persons in Texas, through a supportive, drug and alcohol free community.

Kidz Harbor was founded in March, 2003 by the late Rev. Jim H. Green. His mission was to help the abused and abandoned children of Texas. To achieve this goal, Rev. Green acquired a facility on 6 acres of beautiful property nestled on Chocolate Bayou.

Lord of The Streets is a church community that Welcomes, Restores and Rebuilds lives
through relationship-focused ministries with the homeless and formerly homeless.

We provide food, clothing and household items, and also build relationships with our clients by getting to know them and helping them above and beyond their basic needs.

The Mission of Yahweh is a faith-based shelter that empowers, enriches and restores the lives of homeless women and children, and provides outreach services to communities in need, since 1961.

New Hope Housing’s core purpose is to provide life-stabilizing, affordable, permanent housing with support services for people who live on very limited incomes. Our vision is to be an enduring institution serving Houston’s most vulnerable citizens.

Nexus Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas is a child’s home away from home during recovery from complex medical issues following an acquired or traumatic brain injury, acute illness, chronic disease, or any other life-altering event. Our safe, nurturing pediatric environments provide individualized care in a family-focused setting. As the leaders in pediatric medical services and rehabilitation, Nexus Children’s Hospital treats children with primary medical issues who may also have secondary behavioral problems. Working with patients from infancy to age 21 who may have been unsuccessful in traditional rehabilitation environments, our flexible admissions criteria allows us to treat a wide variety of diagnoses.

Nixon Home Care, Inc. is a nonprofit Houston, Texas-based licensed Adult Day Care Center that specializes in providing supervision of seniors and adults with physical and mental impairments while their full-time caregivers work or take respite.

Open Door Mission is a faith and evidence-based recovery program and facility helping the homeless in Houston TX since 1954. We’re dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless and disabled men in our community for free.

Our mission is to fulfill the mandate of Christ to the church, proclaiming the gospel to the unbeliever, teaching God’s word to the believer, nurturing the body of Christ, and living the law of Christ before men.

The mission of Houston reVision (reVision) is to leverage the power of community by connecting kids on the edge with mentors, positive peers and life-changing resources.

The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas (RMHC CTX) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and families.

The Young Adult Resource Center (YARC) connects homeless young adults, ages 18 to 25, to housing and other mainstream supports while providing respite, emergency meals, job coaching, recovery coaching, and non-traditional educational support, tutoring and re-engagement.

The mission of Santa Maria Hostel is to empower women and their families to lead healthy, successful, productive and self-fulfilling lives.

A welcoming community where those needing housing, food and mental health programs can grow in stability, productivity and independence.

Star of Hope is a Christ-centered community dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children. Positive life changes are encouraged through structured programs which focus on spiritual growth, education, employment, life management and recovery from substance abuse.

Temenos Community Development Corporation’s mission is to provide affordable housing opportunities, supportive services, and employment resources to low- to extremely low-income persons on their journey to wholeness.

The Beacon is a non-profit organization that serves individuals experiencing homelessness by providing daily services, civil legal aid, counseling and mentoring and housing case management. Our mission is to provide essential and next-step services to restore hope and help end homelessness in Houston.

Empower people with behavioral health and IDD needs to improve their lives through an accessible, integrated and comprehensive recovery oriented system of care.

At WHAM, our goal is to provide caring, life-changing services that lead to productive, fulfilling and independent lives.

Be Respectful – Be Positive – Be Honest – Be Responsible – Be Cooperative Young Elementary is proud to be a community-centered school. In 2019, they launched a series of family engagement events that had over 1,000 people in attendance. Currently, the campus serves around 650 students in prekindergarten through fourth grade.